Many also got a great fine motor workout!
They worked very hard on these projects and they turned out great!
After the projects were finished, we met with the expert groups to work on our presentation to share with others what we had learned! The experts figured out what needed to be said about their way of making sound, than picked what they wanted to say. Most wanted to introduce their instruments, tell how they made sound, and let everyone know what part of the instrument vibrated in order to create the sound. Some were also very interested in sharing about how if you held the part of the instrument that vibrated, the sound was quieter because it couldn't vibrate as much. A couple mentioned how the different sizes could produce a higher or lower sound.
At first they wanted to use the microphone but I told them that part of being a good speaker was being able to project their voices loudly. They practiced and practiced using their presentation voices! They presented what they learned to 9 classes in our school and then to to their parents. They were the most excited about that presentation! Their speaking and listening skills amazed me!
After each presentation, the other classes got to walk around our room, check out their beautiful sculptures...
...and explore sound by trying out our instruments. If they had any questions, the experts were right there to answer them! I can't tell you how many students in our school have stopped me to tell me how much they loved coming to our room for our presentation! Many have said that they want to explore sound too!
The kids were so proud of themselves and they were very aware of how hard they have worked during this inquiry, project, and presentation! I am so proud of them! The next day was Valentine's Day so we celebrated our friendships and enjoyed the day. They created some collaborative art that we will keep displayed in our room to remind us of our friendships! On one, each friend picked a color and painted their hand. They put their hands together and rubbed to mix the colors and create their new friendship color. They made their prints on the canvas with their new color. It turned out beautiful!
They also used valentine colors to create two more beautiful pieces!
Our next inquiry has been introduced! We have recorded everything they think they know and everything they wonder about simple machines! This new investigation will start this week and they are very excited about it!