
Sunday, February 21, 2021

Magical Creatures- The Project

The kids wanted to make a dragon after our study of mythical creatures. We brainstormed together what we would need: and got to work! First we made dragon eggs for our dragon to hatch!

Then we got to work on our dragon! They voted on the colors.

They were worried their eggs and project might get touched or broken so we brainstormed what kind of signs would help with that! This shows kids a natural purpose for writing! They wrote the signs without thinking of it as “work” or an assignment. They did it because they felt they needed to!

The kids also made themselves into mythical creatures and gave them unique names. They loved this and giggled about it the whole time. 

For a shared writing lesson we came up with what we now knew about dragons and unicorns...their two favorite mythical creatures. They are becoming aware of blends and digraphs and would point them out excitedly every time they heard one so I underlined them for them. They are also becoming aware of the “ing” chunk in words.

In writing we learned how to make characters in our stories show movement. These art manikins were perfect for that! We called them Oval Man since we made each part using ovals. Then we made them into whoever our character was supposed to be by adding details. 

Mythical creatures was new and fun for me to learn with them. This investigation produced many verbal and written stories and a lot of imaginative play and art! I am so glad they showed an interest in this and am curious where their interests will take us next!

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