The Kindness Ninja came back this year to recruit a new group to change the world one random act of kindness at a time!
We read many books about how even just one random act of kindness can change the world and spread kindness all around and wondered what we could do for our first Random Act of Kindness as Kindness Ninjas! We discussed how people right now are in need of kind words that will encourage them and give them joy and decided to make posters as tools to spread encouragement to others. We brainstormed phrases that people would like to hear to cheer them up and brighten their day, then got to work making them into posters!
Here are our Kindness Ninjas with their words of encouragement!
We walked around our building first to encourage whoever we ran into! We also stopped at Nurse B’s office and the main office to offer everyone who worked there some encouragement.
Then, we decided that all the administrators in our districts Central Office needed encouraging words because running a school district during COVID is hard! We knew we couldn’t go in due to COVID regulations so we stood outside their windows and yelled our encouraging words to them as we held up our signs.

We made sure to go to every office window!

Our kindness Ninjas loved seeing everyone smile and wave through the windows...evidence that their Random Act of Kindness was working!
We made sure to go to every office window!
Our kindness Ninjas loved seeing everyone smile and wave through the windows...evidence that their Random Act of Kindness was working!
Channel 2 News was told about us and we were asked if we would give a repeat performance for all the administrators who missed it last time!

The Kindness Ninjas were excited to do it again and be on the news!

They got to see more smiling eyes over masks through the windows!

They loved seeing themselves on the news!

We were told that some were so touched by their kindness that they were brought to tears! We got emails thanking us and telling us that the kindness and encouragement we gave them was exactly what they needed! Some said that we reminded them that they also needed to make sure to do the same and encourage others too! I told them that they had not only spread joy and encouragement, but inspired others to do the same!
The Kindness Ninjas were excited to do it again and be on the news!
They got to see more smiling eyes over masks through the windows!
They loved seeing themselves on the news!
We were told that some were so touched by their kindness that they were brought to tears! We got emails thanking us and telling us that the kindness and encouragement we gave them was exactly what they needed! Some said that we reminded them that they also needed to make sure to do the same and encourage others too! I told them that they had not only spread joy and encouragement, but inspired others to do the same!
The kids loved hearing about all the joy that they spread, just with some kind, encouraging words and cannot wait to do another Random Act of Kindness to spread more joy very soon!
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